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Room for Reading / Sean Edwards


Ahead of his commission as part of ‘anywhere in the universe’, our project looking at the present, past and future of the public library, Sean Edwards shares his recommendations for our Room for Reading.

Edwards selects ‘Index Cards’ by Moyra Davey (2020); ‘Acting Class’ by Drnaso (2020); ‘Libraries of Light’ by Alistair Black (2019); ‘Checkout 19’ (2021) by Claire-Louise Bennett and ‘Help for the Dyslexic Adolescent’ by E.G Stirling (1987). 


Moyra Davey, ‘Index Cards’. (2020)

‘Index Cards’ (2020) by Moyra Davey 

“I always return to Moyra Davey’s writing. Particularly her writing about reading. There is something about her style and approach that is akin to reading itself. She places the reader in the context of her own reading which in turn informs the text, taking the reader on a research narrative journey guided by her. Until this collection was published the writings were spread across numerous books and catalogues, but to have this collection in one place is like a small gift and one that is never far from my side.”

Listen to Moyra Davey on the Magic Hour podcast here.

Watch ‘Hemlock Forrest’ (2016) by Moyra Davey here.  


Nick Drnaso, ‘Acting Class’. (2020)

‘Acting Class’ (2020) by Nick Drnaso 

“Graphic Novels and picture books in general were my way into reading, and as a child of the 1980’s I mined the library for the small selections of ‘comics’ that they had in stock. Thankfully for young adults there are now far greater selections of these books at libraries. I still prefer to read images and Drnaso’s ‘Acting Class’ published last year is one that has remained with me. The sparse artwork and disorientating narrative arc about a group of strangers collected together through their attendance at an amateur acting class is both beautiful and deeply unsettling.” 

Read an excerpt from Nick Drnaso’s ‘Acting Class’ here.


Alistair Black, ‘Librareis of Light: British Public Library Desig in the Long 1960s’. (2019)

‘Libraries of Light’ (2019) by Alistair Black 

“Black’s book looks at the emergence of a new type of architectural design for British Public libraries in the 1960’s that broke with traditions and began to consider a new type of design. The book features a range of case studies, including Cardonald Library in Glasgow, to illustrate Black’s idea of ‘libraries of light’. Within the book, he proposes that the particular architectural design of these spaces convey the principles of a shared social egalitarianism.”

Read Alistair Black on the importance of public libraries in Apollo Magazine here.


Claire-Louise Bennett. ‘Checkout 19’.(2021)

‘Checkout 19’ (2021) by Claire-Louise Bennett  

“This is a book about books, and about reading. It is also about the transformative power of books as objects. Bennett’s writing is recognisable to me in its the repetitions, loops and fragmentation. I think of her style as being immensely physical and object-like. The writing on the page carries gravity.”

Read an extract from ‘Checkout 19’ here.


E.G Stirling, ‘Help for the Dyslexic Adolescent’. (1987)

‘Help for the Dyslexic Adolescent’ (1987) by E.G Stirling

“I was diagnosed with dyslexia in the final year of my Masters. I found this book shortly after in a charity shop. It was first published in 1985 and the edition I own was reprinted in 1993 – the particular timespan when I would have, could have, needed it. Regardless, this absence has allowed it to be a tool ever since, one I mine regularly for work, thinking about reading, and looking. The techniques I self-developed to deal with dyslexia became a way to consider how the act of reading and looking can be used within my practice.”

British Dyslexia Association



In conjunction with our projects, exhibitions and events, Room for Reading offers artists we work with an opportunity to contribute to The Common Guild library and share the books and resources that have influenced their artistic practice.

Every artist’s selection is added to The Common Guild’s expansive reference library of artist books, catalogues, and cultural and critical theory.



27 May

Kate Davis – ‘Natural History’

17 June

‘anywhere in the universe’ – Artists Discussion